Role of Potassium in Human Body

Potassium ions are found in a majority of the foods, and it is an important ion for both plants and animals. It is a mineral essential for normal body function.

Potassium is a mineral that serves a variety of purposes within the body.

Helping to regulate the body's fluid levels is one of the mineral potassium's greatest functions. Not only that but it also has a great part in regulating the blood pressure. It also helps to keep the heart thumping steadily and regularly and is also essential to the nervous system.

Every muscle movement and every nerve impulse transmission relies on potassium. Potassium together with sodium ions are vital to the proper functioning of the nervous system and the muscles. Before a nerve impulse is sent through a cell in the nervous system, there are potassium ions inside the cell and sodium ions outside the cell.

It also serves to enhance muscle control plus the growth and health of cells particularly through its importance in waste product removal.

This mineral is also vital to the kidneys in their waste removal tasks. Potassium also plays an important role to mental function as well as to physical processes. It helps to promote efficient cognitive functioning by playing a significant role in getting oxygen to the brain.

Potassium is even necessary for carbohydrate and protein metabolism. It is a key player in blood pressure control as it works in conjunction with sodium to maintain the body’s water balance.

Under normal dietary intake, potassium deficiency does not occur. But it may occur in instances of severe malnutrition, chronic alcoholism, anorexia nervosa, low carbohydrate diets and in weight reduction regimes in which food intake is restricted.

Among other symptoms of potassium include nausea, vomiting, listlessness, apprehension, muscle weakness, hypotension, tachycardia, arrhythmia and an altered electrocardiogram.

Scientist believe that hypertension can be caused by too many sodium ions in the diet or not enough potassium ions. It can be the result of not eating enough fresh fruit and vegetables or by eating to many processed foods and table salt.
Role of Potassium in Human Body

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