Vitamin as food additive

Vitamins are defined as relatively low-molecular weight compounds which humans, and for that matter, any living organism that depends on organic matter as a source of nutrients, require small quantities for normal metabolism.

Most vitamins can be synthesize by the body and must be supplied by the diet. Vitamin functions in biochemical reactions within all living cells, and are necessary for metabolism.

Moreover, vitamins play an important role as functional additives in food processing. Food additive are substances added to food products to provide a specific and well-defined action in the final product.

The chemical properties of certain vitamins provide significant functional benefits in processed foods. Food additive like vitamin is utilized to increase the nutritive value of food.

The technical used for vitamins and their various application are as below.
Inhibitions of can corrosion
Food enrichment and fortification
Protection of taste, flavor and clarity
Prevention of black spot prevention
Prevention of nitrosamine formation
Flour dough improvement
Maintenance of color in meat package in controlled atmosphere
Improve color, flavor and odour
Vitamin as food additive

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