The use of cocoa powder

Cocoa powder is made when the chocolate liquor is put into a hydraulic process, yielding cocoa butter and nearly fat-free chocolate solids. When ground and sifted, the solids become cocoa powder.

Cocoa powder should be a fine, free flowing powder. It is normally sold with a minimum moisture content of 5%.

The chocolate industry based on cocoa, is one of the major food industries. Cocoa powder is used in many varieties of chocolate. It is used in malted beverage.

The cocoa powder is made into a drink and can be added to milk, cakes and ice cream. Cocoa powder also used as a coloring agent in ice cream. The beans contain the stimulant alkaloid, theobromine (about 2.5 percent) and about 0.8 percent caffeine, but these quantities are reduced after processing.

Drinking chocolate contain about 70% of sucrose or permitted sugar and about 30% of cocoa powder. 

Confections such as nougats, pastes and pralines often use cocoa as a flavoring material. Cocoa powder is used in bakery products, candies, and cake icing.

Natural cocoa powder also known as non-alkalized cocoa powder is the classics American cocoa used of making chocolate cakes and brownies.

In one or two countries, high fat cocoa powder is used in the manufacture of cigarettes.
The use of cocoa powder

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