Fish protein health benefits

Fish are vastly more efficient sources of protein that another forms of animal proteins. Currently 37 percent of the world grain harvest is being used to produce animal protein. Protein is an important component to a balanced diet and essential in marinating good health and preventing disease.

Fish are a healthy source of protein, particularly lysine not necessarily obtainable elsewhere in such high concentrations.

About 20% of the world’s population derives at least one fifth of its animal protein intake from fish, and protein intakes from fish are crucial in countries where the total protein intake is low.

Fish proteins are a source of energy and essential amino acids, required for growth and maintenance. Protein is part of very cell in the body, and is used to maintain immune function as well as the cells muscles, tendons and ligaments. Skeletal muscle strength and muscle density are maintained by an adequate protein intake.

Protein also used in the formation of important enzymes, hormones, various body fluids and certain chemicals needed for the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system.

Fish proteins also contribute to the physiochemical and sensory properties of various protein-rich foods. The protein in fish is rich in omega-3-fat, the goo fat that protects against heart attacks and strokes.

Fish proteins have health benefits in protection against cardiovascular disease, assist in brain and nervous system development, in fetal and infant development and seem to offer some protection against diabetes, chronic infections and certain types of cancer.

New research has shown that people who eat fish on average at least once a week have about a 50 percent reduction on cardiac death.

The American Heart Association recommends at least two servings of fish per week to help prevent heart disease, lower blood pressure and reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Proteins also helps maintain the normal acid-base base of human body and body tissues.
 Fish protein health benefits

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