Antioxidants network

The destructive chain reaction started by free radicals can be broken by antioxidants, which are converted by the process into harmless derivatives.

Free radical reactions can be broken down into three stages:
In initiation phase free radical reaction can be inhibited by two metalloenzymes: superoxide dismutase and catalase

Antioxidants help to maintain a stable internal environment in plants and animals. There is a dynamic interaction among certain key antioxidants that can be referred as antioxidant network.  These special network antioxidants works together to strengthen body immune system and protect human body from disease.

The body has many natural protective mechanisms and network to contain oxidative damage:
*Antioxidant nutrients such B-carotene, vitamin C and E
*Other small molecules with antioxidant properties, for example, glutathione and uric acid, lipoic acid, Coenzyme Q10
*Enzymes such as superoxide dismutase and glutathione peroxidase.

The network antioxidant can greatly enhance the power of one another. They work at the cellular level.
Antioxidants network 

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