Eggs contain ample essential proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and bioactive compounds, and their compositions and net amount could be influenced by strain, age, hen diet, and environmental conditions. All these nutrients are in highly protected form. Nature has provided the protection to egg, from deterioration, by egg shell then by shell membranes and finally by the antibodies present in the egg.
Eggs are sources of high-quality proteins (each provide 6 grams of animal proteins) and are in fact the standard against which the protein quality of other foods. Egg proteins have been proved to possess antioxidants, such as phosvitin which contains large amount of phosphoserines, ovotransferrin that can chelate with Fe3+, and ovalbumin that can covalently bind to polysaccharide to enhance its antioxidant activity.
The fat content of eggs 6 grams is entirely in the yolk, the amount being equal to the amount of protein in the whole eggs (3 grams in the yolk and 3 grams in the white). Eggs are rich in unsaturated fatty acids.
Eggs are rich in cholesterol and recent studies indicate that cholesterol from eggs does not have a negative effect on serum cholesterol levels.
They provide important sources of phosphorus, calcium, potassium, and contains moderate amounts of sodium (142 mg per 100 g of whole egg).
It also contains all essential trace elements including copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, selenium, and zinc , with egg yolk being the major contributor to iron and zinc supply. The iron in the yolk is valuable in helping to meet the required intake of this key mineral. Eggs are low in calcium, which is discarded in the shell.
The presence of such minerals and micronutrients in egg is quite interesting as a deficiency in some of these (Zn, Mg, and Se) has been associated with depression and fatigue and development of pathological diseases.
Fat soluble vitamins A, D, E are present in the yolk; water soluble vitamins B complex are present in the white, the yolk or both. As a nutritional source of vitamin D, eggs rank second only to fish liver oils.
Nutritional component of eggs
The Evolution and Impact of Food Science
Food science is an interdisciplinary field that has played a crucial role
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