Pizza may be the most recognized and most consumed food ever. Pizza essentially is bread dough with other ingredients added.
If the pizza is to be thin a dough is needed that spreads rather than lifts. If the pizza is to be thick then the dough needs to be nearer to British or American bread dough.
A pizza crust achieves its prominent characteristics – texture, tenderness and pliability – in large part from the type of the flour used. Quite simply, the higher the protein levels in flour, the greater the formation of gluten.
To make pizza base the ingredients are including flour, water, yeast, salt, olive oil and sugar are mixed together.
It was reported that straight grade flour of 11.5% to 12.5% protein prepared from either spring or spring/winter wheat is suitable for pizza.
The flours of low protein content exhibit less shrinkage during processing and result in a desirable level of chewiness in the final product.
Thin or cracker crusts are best provided from flour that contains a high level of protein because it delays the soaking of pizza sauce into the crust.
In order to produce high quality pizza products, the dough should be elastic and sheetable, rises on proving and holds the gas produced by the yeast as well as having good crust and textural properties.
In addition to the viscoelastic property of pizza dough, it should be firm enough to hold toppings without fallen apart.
Pizzas from different regions are often defined by the style or texture of the crust which is a direct result of the type of flour used in that region.
New York style and Chicago style have different characteristics of of ingredients; thin crust dough vs. thick crust dough, marinara vs. plum tomato sauce and Reggiano vs. mozzarella cheese.
While California style, which marries a thin crust with the new world ingredients and flavors.
Grilled pizza is the newest entry in the pages of pizza history. This smoky, robust pizza may have originated in Providence, Rhode Island.
When making pizza, the topping can be tailored to suit our tastes. With lean meat or seafood, low fat cheese, and plentiful vegetables, it becomes a healthy one dish meal.
Characteristics for a great pizza
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